Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


recent stuff

the leaves are/have been beautiful. I have been traveling around (in my own town) to see Momiji and Haze in different places to see the reds. I even got some "modeling" pictures taken by a photographer who saw me and asked to take my picture- in some poses with the scenery. My fee was that he give me a couple of pictures after he developed them.

I have been hiking quite a bit... tomorrow, if all goes according to plan, will be the 5th hill in 4 weekends... I was gonna call it quits, but heading back to the local mountain with an old buddy. It is getting cold and it is time for snowboarding too. I am looking forward to riding this season. I just have to continue treating my body well.

That can be done if I eat right. I just got another batch of organic, local goodness and a new recipe for chicken soup/ cream stew. List of recently-tried food including but not limited to: Basashi ([raw] horse sashimi), sea cucumber, crab and whatever else I have tried during random eating parties over the past three weeks.

A bunch of friend here have added this as a link to their blog, so I will do the same... check em out!

Can you tell what my attitude is as I write this? I bet you can.


Traveling Wayne said...
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Traveling Wayne said...

and then there were times when you typed and stopped writing. When you felt obliged to fill time and computer generated space rather then release mind onto page and soul into time.