Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island



It is rather freeing. Though I feel restricted because I cant check simple train times from home, I am forced to be as productive as I can be. Pain in the butt, but it hurts so good. That was awkward... so it goes.

Laundry list of events/ happenings from around here:

October 11- Hike with Hirata-san at Kuju! It was awesome and we bagged some peaks that neither one of us had previously done. Great views of Neko-dake and Taka- dake (Aso, Kumamoto) to the south and Yufu-dake (Yufuin, Oita) to the north.

October 17- Diwali Celebration (Indian Chanukah?) at Praju's. Fabulous food and fun presents.
October 18- Country Gold- YET AGAIN! My third year running. Just a good time as usual. I love country music.

October 22-23 Tokyo PA Conference. No time to play but enjoyed fabulous sushi in the Japanese capital!
October 24th- Cosmos flower viewing with Fumie

October 31st- went to Nagasaki to participate on...
November 1st- Kyushu regional Kimono Competition. I didn't place in the top three (of the 10 foreigners in the foreigner competition) so I am not eligible for the next round in Tokyo in April. But the experience was awesome and there are so many pictures of me in Kimono that its really not funny. I am happy to share them though ;)

November 8th- Hike with Hirata to Hiko-san. We missed the Kouyou 紅葉 but it was a great day to be outside.

November 15th- Easy weekend at home, went to Komyozenji 光明禅寺 (zen Garden near my house) to see the leaves.

November 21-23- Oita Zen retreat. Sat on my butt for three days. I never thought that that would be so hard, but it was! Amazing, in short.

November 28- Tacos in Kurume at Jamie's.
November 29- Fake Hike with Sawako. Houman-zan turned into a troll around Dazaifu looking at the amazing 紅葉。 We went to 太宰府 temple, 竃門 temple, and back to 光明禅寺。 Great pictures.

This weekend I hope to see a soccer game and the next weekend I hope to celebrate Chanukah with anyone who wants to get together!

Eventually, December 25~ Jan 3, I have plans to go to Nagano (home of the 1998 Winter Olympics) to ride the fresh powder of the Japanese Alps. 本当に白馬村で一週間ぐらいスノーボーを頑張っています。

Catch you on the flip side.


1 comment:

CJN said...

Hi, I'm a fellow teacher of English here and I found your post while looking for somewhere in the area to celebrate Chanukah. If you're having something for it, or know someone else who is, would you e-mail me about it? (keishigomu at gmail dotto com) Thanks!