Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


stress into overdrive

Well, the latter half of last week was great. Wonderful to teach students again, they were such awesome people- we hiked, observed, and enjoyed nature... Discovered indoor soccer capabilities along with basketball in the indoor gym. Saw Athena, Sudip, Barbara and Jyoti in Bellingham. Good conversation, wedding discussions and delicious food. Got my own copy of The Lorax and Oh the Places You'll Go. Yeah for Dr. Seuss. Lunched with Nicole in Mt. Vernon. Thai food is wonderful on a Saturday afternoon. Got more info about taxidermy and how to handle the otter and raccoon. I'll be back to those pelts in no time. Shopping for food... fresh produce now at my home! Enjoyed my first coffee in over a month... I stopped drinking it when the headaches settled in. NO MORE HEADACHES! It was just over three weeks of having them. And I am exactly a week from having one (though I still have medicine handy just in case.) No more drinking alcohol. I will have to get used to "not being fun" or "being a tight-ass" but no more poison for me... it's just not worth the repercussions. Helped John move into his house for three hours yesterday- I earned my dinner and my sleep, that is for sure. And tomorrow my body will ache, I'm sure. And for the next week it is non-stop teaching (everyday), working on non-profit project (due Friday) and finishing the alumni reunion event that takes place on Saturday and Sunday. The non-profit project has been in the works for over four months now, though a month of that was during winter vacation... our group is almost there, but we have a lot of cleaning up to do yet. I am working with Codi on all of these projects too. She and I have a fun dynamic (worked together on the curriculum project also) but it's about to get stressful--that's for sure. Hopefully she and Jimmy had a chance to spend time together over the weekend so that she is also fired up and recharged for this week of insanity. Then it's teaching... but a more normal life... from April 4th. Lots of weekend getaways, jobs and small things to do... but more manageable, and with extended daylight hours I foresee more enjoyment and energy in my life in the upcoming months. In the meantime, I have to stay focused for an entire week... starting NOW!

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