Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


Spring pictures... April in California

Colonial Peak (7771 feet) on the first sunny day of (almost) spring... in April. I think it was the 7th.

Wayne was surprised by my taking a picture of him in the AM before we went to soccer. It is not the most flattering picture of such a good-looking friend, but I have to get at him somehow :P

My parents' garden in bloom on April 16th. California Golden Poppies, persimmon, lavender, and manzanita.

Other succulents and cacti in the process of being beautiful!

Dad and me in front of the Bommer Canyon water tower that I organized to be repainted 14 years ago! It is still in great shape- a testament to quality hard work. Also the new landmark sign of the brand-spankin' newly opened Bommer Canyon trailhead! It was nice to walk among the grasses and Redwing Blackbirds... and California Quails and various rabbits!

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