Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


loving life

Riding a pretty big high right now. Probably because of the waxing half moon that I saw two nights ago... that is the part of my monthly cycle during which I am the strongest (or I think that I am!)

The end is near. Four pieces left and that is it! I imagine graduating in two weeks, delivering presentations next week and then two days before we finish. Gotta write up both presentations and then... well, that's really it. Some editing afterwards to make sure they are publishable or presentable to others.

Riding the high of future potential and the freedom that I see starting May 1. No guarantees on the job front, the home front, the relationship front. But I did some toying around in my files and boxes of stuff over the past five years. I have a lot to show for myself and finalizing my thoughts on all of that was really awesome yesterday. I am filled with a confidence and foundation on which to build a life. Hard to write out, but easy to verbally describe. I am in a good place. My last "five-year-plan" would be evaluated with gleaming reviews though much of it was not expected to be so lucky.

I am in the middle of a facial hair experiment. My hair is short and the bearded season is over... so I have been systematically trimming the beard every day. I have a sequence of pictures that I will post when the experiment is finished. I am about half way through and I have huge chop sideburns, a 1970's San Diego mustache, and a small soul patch under my bottom lip. Every time I stroll by a mirror I do a double-take and chuckle to myself. I wonder what strangers must think!

Not wanting to ride too high, I have to stay level and in the middle. But express that the "flow" is happening... I await the inevitable ebb, but hopefully that will also be tempered somewhat... and I'll go about my business... of my goal... in the middle.

This is also the calm before the storm. I got a bit to do... so I better get at it... especially if I am going to go snowboarding tomorrow...hehehe!

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