Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


July 28: with cousin Aaron and uncle Mike!

Spent a day with my older cousin and his father. They are great Striches... we always laugh together with such dry, witty, great humor! farmer's market, Lunch and then a jaunt to Olympic National Park's Hurricane Ridge, outside of Port Angeles
 On the drive up to the ridge
 Aaron was still 30 when this picture was taken... now he is older!
 Some of the many flowers we saw
 Olympic Marmot (Marmota olympus) which is endemic to the area... related to the Hoary Marmot and the Vancouver one too
 Drove back to Marrowstone Island where Aaron is living and farming... uncle mike and I took to the garden for fresh berries and veggies after we lent a small hand with the ducks and sheep
 Greens straight from the garden!
 Aaron comes back from an evening discussion with the pigs
Ohh, I forgot to put this one in order... but it is of Mountain Goats (Oreamnos americanus) at the top of Hurricane Ridge. Dad is warning us to stay away from the babies and we happily obliged.

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