Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


Safari 5 of 5- Fin

Now for some legit shots of the hippos...

Big Mamas and Papas surrounded by Pelicans, Yellow-billed Storks (Mycteria ibis), and Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis). Why is it that actual "Ibises" don't have Ibis in their scientific name but many other long-legged birds do?
 Here's chomping in your general direction

 More Baboons... how the young ones get around.
 Looking out for a brotha!
One of the trees that hosted the hundreds of nesting and mating Yellow-billed Ibises. Right near the entrance of the park, one had to be careful going to and from the bathroom so as not to be bombed from above!

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