Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


garden pictures

The following are some shots of the way my garden has progressed. I acquired a plot of land to use from a local farmer. He is super cool and gives me tons of advice about the vegetables I am tending. He grows strawberries (and very well, might I add) but tells me little tips about the winter produce that I have: lettuce, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli. I also have some carrots that will survive or they won't. The garlic is planted I have been informed that it has like 6 months to go! Ahh. Now, it's a matter of checking everyday or so and removing caterpillars that eat the leaves...

From October 4th and onwards.

Looking Northwest (November 1)
reverse angle: looking southwest (November 1)

and a month later...

looking northwest (November 30)

wider look [northwest] (November 30)

widest view of the northwest (November 30)

looking due west (November 30)...L to R: double row of carrots, single row of carrots (replanted and recovering), Chinese cabbage [biggest], broccoli, 1/2 cabbage 1/2 lettuce, lettuce, and a row of each garlic and cabbage are hidden on the right.

Learning a lot and enjoying getting my hands dirty. That's the only way to learn anyways...

1 comment:

Vinnie Burns said...

Dude, thats amazing. It's like 'Harvest Moon' but not a videogame, hahah.

You should bring your veggies to school some day and give them to your teachers. It would be a total mindfuck for them, haha, since, you know, its usually the other way around.

honestly though, amazing garden. I was imagining something much smaller and lamer, to be honest.