Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


pix of Country Gold

Not a whole lot to write here, but I want to post some of Wendy’s pictures from our adventure at Country Gold.

Funny note about writing. If you write, “amazing,” then someone might actually believe you. What does this mean? I don’t know… I just read it and thought about how life-changing it actually was.

Country Gold: "Global Peace Through Country Music."

Enjoy the pictures:

(Ochida and I late in the afternooon)

(Wendy is toasting our friend, Beer-hat-guy. Yes, that is a frothy beer as his head!)

(Line dancing in the afternoon)

(Bomshel rocked out, notice the bassist in the back because he is in the next picture)
(Ochida and other homie pose with Bomshel band members, the ladies were somewhere else unfortunately!)

(shot of the stage in the morning)
(tailgating... Japanese style with Chopsticks!)
(Japanese cowboy parading his horse in the meadow above our tailgate...)
(Wendy and I met the organizer, Charlie Nagatani!)
(The best American Beef found on this side of the date line!)

It was a quiet weekend of questioning, sleeping, reading, thinking and... well... i didn't really leave my apartment... weird weekend indeed.

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