Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


Writing to write

After all, the only pleasure one gets while writing is the satisfaction of creating some words... you know, the familiar sequence of character, called letters, that, when put into a distinguishable order, make up words, stories and so forth. And when the time comes to write, at least today, I draw a blank. A numb blank that makes this screen look much more cluttered than it should be. I am going through the motions... never thought you'd hear about Dave, the vagabond/ travel junky going to work everyday of the week, even tucking in his shirt. And make it a habit? Yeah. Its true. And the worst/best part...? I am have been in Japan for three months officially. Pretty incredible when I think about it. I have been abroad for longer, but this working thing? Never for this length of time with this intensity. I have to say the following. I am privileged to go to work every morning and bust my hump. I had five classes today and yesterday and I am tired. I am tired. And you know what? It feels pretty damn good, I must say. I am happy to work... Here is the secret. Don't waste my time. If you schedule me for six classes, then that is OK too.... but if you make me go to an office to sit on my rump for 8 hours without anything to do, then you are wasting my time. This, despite my lack of energy to write or anything else for that matter, is not the case for me... I am working hard and its good. Did i mention that I'm tired? HA.... more to come, I have some travel plans coming up and it will make for some writable adventures and pictures.

I'm glad that Southern California is back under control a bit more, now I can wish my friends in NoCal some peace after their earthquake yesterday... take care, eh? And I love the Pittsburgh Steelers... keep on winning... And now that the NBA has kicked off, I can be a loud and rowdy (probably irritated very soon too) LAKER fan! Rock and roll baby! I'm glad that baseball still hangs on, you're trying to make those headlines.... but I am certainly glad you are done... enough already. I am rambling now... and going to bed before I hallucinate that I wrote such a horrible blog entry. Entertaining you since 1981 (I am that old!),

Mata-ne, ki-o-tsukete,


Robyn said...

sitting on your rump for 8 hours is a talent that i have acquired ... i teach 2 or less classes a day. fridays i dont teach any. and wednesdays i only teach half a class. hows that for underutilized? i am tired because i stay up late facebook stalking people ... oops ...

愛子 said...

hey dave...

you have that numb feeling too... i guess we're all really tired! that's why office days become little gifts to us. a great way to recuperate after months busting ass!