Olympics at sunset in September

Olympics at sunset in September
Wedding Reception on Camano Island


Pictures from my graduate program

Here are some of my favorite (and only shots) from the recent field tips we have been taking this summer:

Peeping through Douglas Fir to see Mt. Baker (10781 ft, 3286 m) from the east bank Baker Lake trail.

Indian Pipe, Monotropa uniflora, on the old-growth forest floor. Connected via fungi to nearby coniferous trees, it is an indicator for wood mushrooms in the coming season (Pojar & Mackinnon, Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast, p352.)

The falls that washed out the Sourdough Creek trail

Looking north on Ross Lake. Desolation Peak (6102 ft, 1860 m) in the looming foreground, home of Jack Kerouac's famed wilderness lookout (which we saw on the top left of the shoulder using binoculars). He spent the summer looking northwards toward Hozomeen Peak (jagged, further background, 8066 ft, 2459 m) and into Canada.

Nohokomeen Glacier, which lies on the west side of Jack Mountain, was seen from Ross Lake, glistening in the sun... asking for me to hike up there and take a look someday!

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