Stamp it official. I have been out of the US for one year. One year ago I was super hungover (still drunk?) leaving Barry's apartment in Santa Monica for my last meal. It was a buttered sesame bagel alongside a matzo ball soup at the Bagel Nosh on Wilshire and 14th. I remember boarding that plane droozy from my "nap" in the boarding area and then it was nuts because I woke up (came to?) in Tokyo. I guess that was when the dream began, but I have had a hard time believing it. A year-long dream. Like an all-night trip...
Someone informed me that this was no dream. That I would not wake up and be suddenly in Los Angeles. Well, we'll see about that. I don't believe it, because in this dream world I can go back in time. I'll prove it. I leave Tokyo at 4pm and arrive in Los Angeles the same day at 10:30am. Dream that.
Wow, I am dying to get to California.
Being human
Dear Sir,
I quote two pieces by Aida Mitsuo in response to your email.
"You don't have to pretend to be strong
You don't have to pretend that everything's okay
Don't worry what others might think
It's good to cry until your voice gives out
It's good to just cry and cry"
which was translated by Tim Jensen to mean:
"It's not about someone else, you know,
It's about you."
I quote two pieces by Aida Mitsuo in response to your email.
"You don't have to pretend to be strong
You don't have to pretend that everything's okay
Don't worry what others might think
It's good to cry until your voice gives out
It's good to just cry and cry"
which was translated by Tim Jensen to mean:
"It's not about someone else, you know,
It's about you."
Non stop
(African proverb: When the lion gets up in the morning, he knows he must outrun the gazelle otherwise he will starve to death. When the gazelle gets up in the morning, he knows he must outrun the lion otherwise he will be killed. It doesn't matter if you are a lion or a gazelle; when you get up in the morning you'd better start running.)
I feel like My "Cousin" Vinny (misspelled of course). He has been living the JET July. I finally caught up to him... basically it is an excuse to explain the lack of blogging. It consists of "being" a lot. Being in many places, all the time, smiling, actively involved, speaking Japanese, etc. Some are obligatory and some are self-imposed torture... but they all end up being fine... fun and/or tame. A brief run-down...
*J-2 soccer game... yeah Sagantosu (who won.... a first for me in all of the live matches I've seen.
*Lots of All Blacks games... shame they lost to South Africa a couple weeks ago, but they'll bounce back against those Wallabees.
(Mischief on a Friday night)
*Three weeks of BBQs... first for July 4th. Then at Keya Beach. And then a random Saturday in my apartment. July 4th was great neighborly fun... including a fireworks explosion outside someone's window. Keya Beach was awesome. We had a blast and enjoyed the fine Japanese summer... a bit humid now, but perfect right by the beach... BOY! The other one happened two days ago. For reasons unsaid, the host of the party started drinking wine at 9am and was sloshed by noon... when his neighbors heard him rambling in his apartment. They came up to find him in an inebriated state and for one reason or another, decided to follow suit. With the contents (tenants) of the apartment building under the influence, another BBQ was planned and executed... hosted in the apartment without air conditioning! The party died down in time to go to going away party in a neighboring city... karaoke continued and so did the IV filled with booze. Late night Mos Burger... two evenings in a row~!
(Makin' some meat)(a convenient store, say Johnathan and Kendra)
(true to form, even in Japan)
*Invited to a teacher's house yesterday. It was amazing to hang out with him out of the school setting, to listen to the best of what the 70's put together, to hang out with a 10yr old and 4yr old outside of the classroom, to eat his wife's amazing AMAZING cooking, to be outside on the deck of a house in the suburbs... loving life.
*Going to the best tofu restaurant in Kurume for a work party, i don't even like tofu- it upsets my stomach... NOT this place! It was tasty and went down with no troubles at all.
*Enjoying a party for junior high teachers... avoided torrential downpours due to lucky timing on my 20min bike commute. Just arrived slightly damp. Good times and decent food.
*the 21-hour day on Tuesday: waking up at 2am, catching the special 3am train, arriving in the city at 4, walking cross town and enjoying a beverage on the way at 4:30, watching the parade of loin-clothed men carrying tremendous floats through narrow streets- otherwise known as Yamakasa matsuri- at 5, throwing bucketloads of water on said men, walking back across town at 6am, catching the 6:40 train back to my city, biking home and in the shower at 7:40, breakfasted clothed and out the door at 8:10am... two classes metamorphosed into four and lesson planning for the next day, a quick dinner and then back to the train station to get to Japanese class. When my head hit the pillow at 11pm after a modest dinner, I felt that I had had a full and complete day. Back to business on Wednesday too!
(throwing water to wish the runners good health)
(沢子 and デイビット are up to no good at 4:45am, fill those buckets up with water)
* Unbelievable madness... lots of fun. To date, I am still healthy (well, not sick) despite lack of sleep, consumption of potentially-alcohol-containing beverages. Typhoon season has begun, but the first one hit Taiwan and then died out on mainland China before sweeping up towards us. A reminder that it is that time of the year. I love the heat and this humidity isn't killing me yet... but those typhoons are some serious business... best to be safe and modest than to risk traveling far away when the public transportation shuts down...
*Oh, and the best thing... cause of many of the aboveforementioned (you try using that word naturally in a sentence!) parties... The Japanese school year has just finished its first term (started in April)... but for us assistant language teachers.... it has been an entire year! Congrats folks, we made it through. I am stoked for having made it this far. for gaining valuable know-how in the classroom... just for surviving, at times... One year in the same job, one year in the same living quarters, one year in a foreign country, one year away from my family and friends back home. I have some good friends here too, but one year away from the feeling of attachment to people and things back home. Lately I have been fiending for them, but, like all things, it soon will pass... and I soon will pass back through customs to enjoy a couple of weeks in beautiful California.
*I would like this opportunity to reiterate that I am an idiot- I did not go to my brother's graduation. In hindsight, i wish I could take it back and I wish I bought a plane ticket home. Life is too short to not enjoy these amazing occasions. I am very very sorry and it will not happen again. I don't need to be around comfortable and familiar settings everyday, but I must be present in times of important gatherings. Jake, you are the man and Cal Poly is blessed that you chose to study there.
This has become very long...
The best feeling, simple one
I have been reading Tim Jensen's translations of Aida Mitsuo. And it isn't good or bad. But I read it.
He writes:
"I want to be alone,
But being alone is so lonely."
so true.
Those mashed potatoes are delish
Great night of basketball
No computer for two days
Dishes are clean, compost is composting
Conserving energy
Enjoying the heat, outdoors everyday.
Soccer with the chicos.
Tan from riding my bike everyday.
Touched my toes for the first time while stretching- yes, in my entire life.
I can't do everything, but I can do what I can do.
Swam in the school pool on the roof of the fourth floor. At 10am and I felt like I was on vacation swimming laps and playing tag with the students. It was unreal, really! ha
I have sugar in my chest hair because I wiped my hand off there instead of using a dish towel.
Another week of work done (one more strong day tomorrow!). One more week to go! The Japanese school year is sooo long.
Feeling like I live here even though I still get stared at everyday.
I get stared at, perhaps because I am staring!
Up every morning super early because the sunlight is amazing.
Guns N' roses remind me that I, "just need a little Patience."
The basil and tomatoes are dying because of strong sunlight in the afternoon.
I dream about the next place in the world where I may end up.
I stare at the soccer trophy from the best second place title, ever!
Future and Past make me smile, but no attachment to the outcomes.
Again please, Mr. Aida:
The sum of these parts
Equals my life
Other thoughts dissipate... I had one more thought, but it has alluded me since I thought about it on the train this morning.---> no, wait!
AND.... the only reason I wanted to write this blog in the first place was because of the laugh I got at the shoe store. I thought maybe, by chance, there would be a pair of shoes for me... I tried to find the white Adidas SuperStars that I love to wear. But I got some strange laughs when I asked for 29.5 size... (US 11.5) - they didn't carry anything in that size at all!
I was dejected and feeling rather clown-like when I glanced at the discount rack. The sizes were clearly labeled. Beggars can't be choosers, it is said. I am not a beggar, but I definitely didn't have a lot of choices... so I shopped by size, instead of by style. That was a first. Just looking for anything my size that could suffice as indoor shoes at school. found some nice green VANS, and they were discounted because they couldn't get rid of them, they were too big for other customers! A bargain at 2995 yen... until i get to the register and I receive another discount... 1995-yen! Saved me some money and got some comfy, right-sized shoes even in JAPAN... Moral of the story: Shopping by size is easier and less hassle that shopping for style! (even if they are seemingly ugly at first...)
He writes:
"I want to be alone,
But being alone is so lonely."
so true.
Those mashed potatoes are delish
Great night of basketball
No computer for two days
Dishes are clean, compost is composting
Conserving energy
Enjoying the heat, outdoors everyday.
Soccer with the chicos.
Tan from riding my bike everyday.
Touched my toes for the first time while stretching- yes, in my entire life.
I can't do everything, but I can do what I can do.
Swam in the school pool on the roof of the fourth floor. At 10am and I felt like I was on vacation swimming laps and playing tag with the students. It was unreal, really! ha
I have sugar in my chest hair because I wiped my hand off there instead of using a dish towel.
Another week of work done (one more strong day tomorrow!). One more week to go! The Japanese school year is sooo long.
Feeling like I live here even though I still get stared at everyday.
I get stared at, perhaps because I am staring!
Up every morning super early because the sunlight is amazing.
Guns N' roses remind me that I, "just need a little Patience."
The basil and tomatoes are dying because of strong sunlight in the afternoon.
I dream about the next place in the world where I may end up.
I stare at the soccer trophy from the best second place title, ever!
Future and Past make me smile, but no attachment to the outcomes.
Again please, Mr. Aida:
The sum of these parts
Equals my life
Other thoughts dissipate... I had one more thought, but it has alluded me since I thought about it on the train this morning.---> no, wait!
AND.... the only reason I wanted to write this blog in the first place was because of the laugh I got at the shoe store. I thought maybe, by chance, there would be a pair of shoes for me... I tried to find the white Adidas SuperStars that I love to wear. But I got some strange laughs when I asked for 29.5 size... (US 11.5) - they didn't carry anything in that size at all!
I was dejected and feeling rather clown-like when I glanced at the discount rack. The sizes were clearly labeled. Beggars can't be choosers, it is said. I am not a beggar, but I definitely didn't have a lot of choices... so I shopped by size, instead of by style. That was a first. Just looking for anything my size that could suffice as indoor shoes at school. found some nice green VANS, and they were discounted because they couldn't get rid of them, they were too big for other customers! A bargain at 2995 yen... until i get to the register and I receive another discount... 1995-yen! Saved me some money and got some comfy, right-sized shoes even in JAPAN... Moral of the story: Shopping by size is easier and less hassle that shopping for style! (even if they are seemingly ugly at first...)
I opened this...
... so that i could write something simple. Instead, I have lost track of what was going to be written.
The sunset tonight was lovely. I joined the ladies for a stroll around the rice fields to see the red/orange/yellow end of the day reflect off of the glimmering rice-growing mirrors below. A lovely evening indeed... after a fine dinner with a fine Kiwi chap. And despite intense heat and humidity, I actually enjoy the Japanese (Kyushu) summer. Playing soccer at 1pm with a group of fifth graders made for a wet, sticky afternoon... next time, no black shirt!
Props go out to the former Jessica Feldman who I believe is now a Hertz. And some sure love to my main man from UT Dallas, Mr. (soon to be Dr.) Matt Feldman (no relation, but a good coincidence!) who is engaged too. It's amazing indeed.
Soon enough:
"Made up my mind to make a new start, Going to California with an achin' in my heart..."
The sunset tonight was lovely. I joined the ladies for a stroll around the rice fields to see the red/orange/yellow end of the day reflect off of the glimmering rice-growing mirrors below. A lovely evening indeed... after a fine dinner with a fine Kiwi chap. And despite intense heat and humidity, I actually enjoy the Japanese (Kyushu) summer. Playing soccer at 1pm with a group of fifth graders made for a wet, sticky afternoon... next time, no black shirt!
Props go out to the former Jessica Feldman who I believe is now a Hertz. And some sure love to my main man from UT Dallas, Mr. (soon to be Dr.) Matt Feldman (no relation, but a good coincidence!) who is engaged too. It's amazing indeed.
Soon enough:
"Made up my mind to make a new start, Going to California with an achin' in my heart..."
"...And if you hold on tight
To what you think is your thing
You may find you're missing all the rest..."
"Turns out not where but what you think
That really matters
We'll make the best of what's around."
Thank you Dave Matthews Band, "Best of What's Around," UTTAD album.
For 10 (+, gulp!) years you have been providing me with love and inspiration to keep going.
To what you think is your thing
You may find you're missing all the rest..."
"Turns out not where but what you think
That really matters
We'll make the best of what's around."
Thank you Dave Matthews Band, "Best of What's Around," UTTAD album.
For 10 (+, gulp!) years you have been providing me with love and inspiration to keep going.
garden that
month changes always mess up when i post. i am a faker because i only write at time intervals these days, and seeing 28 and then 4, or 5! makes me just discount the amount of time it actually has been since I posted last.
random note. The sauna is officially on. I don't think it will turn off until the end of September. There is rain sometimes and I love it when it falls because everything cools down. But I have to get accustomed to sweating all the time, again. It feels like when I first arrived, nearly a year ago. Funny to think that I have lived in Japan for a year, let alone just in one place for a year. Wow. And funny to think that my teeth hurt five months ago because it was so cold in this exact same space... and it is back to being sweat-drenched humidity and grossness again.
Our beloved gardening day got cancelled this month, so i was unable to yield the weed cutter power machine that I fell in love with. (<--- 先生、this is bad grammar because I ended with a preposition!) But I got up early this Saturday morning (bright light and routine) and decided to go for a walk. I met truckloads of men outside the apartment when I went to turn off the lights in the different stairwells. They were yielding those very machines. The man who spoke to me pointed at a "glass cutting is cancelled" sign and murmured something. Usually I understand a word or two of Japanese (that's about it) but I was unable to figure out anything he said to me. Eventually it all clicked (it WAS early in the morning) and I realized these guys were hired to take care of 2 months worth of weeding. I went for my walk and chuckled to myself. This was the thought: "My poor neighbors have no idea what is about to happen because they are all asleep." I couldn't wake them up to warn them because that defeats the purpose of sleeping late on a Saturday anyways. There was no prior warning for any of us. So, I chuckled at the irony facing me and then went for my walk... feeling relieved and very lucky that I woke up naturally and without the sounds of a dozen weed cutter machines. When it is just me, there is little noise... but this sounds like serious war preparations are going on. And yes, it is happening right now!
random note. The sauna is officially on. I don't think it will turn off until the end of September. There is rain sometimes and I love it when it falls because everything cools down. But I have to get accustomed to sweating all the time, again. It feels like when I first arrived, nearly a year ago. Funny to think that I have lived in Japan for a year, let alone just in one place for a year. Wow. And funny to think that my teeth hurt five months ago because it was so cold in this exact same space... and it is back to being sweat-drenched humidity and grossness again.
Our beloved gardening day got cancelled this month, so i was unable to yield the weed cutter power machine that I fell in love with. (<--- 先生、this is bad grammar because I ended with a preposition!) But I got up early this Saturday morning (bright light and routine) and decided to go for a walk. I met truckloads of men outside the apartment when I went to turn off the lights in the different stairwells. They were yielding those very machines. The man who spoke to me pointed at a "glass cutting is cancelled" sign and murmured something. Usually I understand a word or two of Japanese (that's about it) but I was unable to figure out anything he said to me. Eventually it all clicked (it WAS early in the morning) and I realized these guys were hired to take care of 2 months worth of weeding. I went for my walk and chuckled to myself. This was the thought: "My poor neighbors have no idea what is about to happen because they are all asleep." I couldn't wake them up to warn them because that defeats the purpose of sleeping late on a Saturday anyways. There was no prior warning for any of us. So, I chuckled at the irony facing me and then went for my walk... feeling relieved and very lucky that I woke up naturally and without the sounds of a dozen weed cutter machines. When it is just me, there is little noise... but this sounds like serious war preparations are going on. And yes, it is happening right now!
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